As stated in the "Playing Catch Up" posting, we've moved back home to our house in Raeford NC and while we love being in our house with all the space and comforts of a larger than we're used to house, it's been an adjustment on so many levels!
I honestly never realized how much I enjoyed living within the Marine Corps community or how much living on base was a blessing. Not that living here in our house is a bad thing by any means, but getting used to being out in the country with no neighbors and having so much property for the kids to roam has been rather strange. It takes us about 25 minutes to get to the Army base here (Ft. Bragg) so going to the commissary these days is not exactly a hop, skip and a jump from our house any longer. That's taken some getting used to I must say. Prices is another thing that is just blowing my mind! Now, gas prices as we all know have been crazy, but I'm talking about just everyday needs prices, milk, bread..things of that nature. I suppose I was spoiled in being able to shoot down the street to the "C-store" and grab some milk and bread for a lot less than what I'm paying now (and to think I used to complain about the prices then) not to mention the "no sales tax" benefits from shopping on base, yeah well that is no longer a reality for us, unless I want to drive the 25 minutes to base (as I'm sure you can tell I'm not into doing that on a daily basis) so I pay the sales tax and higher prices for the convenience of shopping somewhere closer...it's just a vicious cycle for me and one I'm having trouble adjusting to...call me crazy!
On another front however we've had some great news. Jim was recently selected for Chief
Warrant Officer 3, so he'll be pinning that one come August 09. We're all really proud of and excited for him! He of course was sweating the promotion board (as he does everytime) and was relieved he was selected. Frankly I'm not sure why he does this when it comes to promotions, I mean he really does his job above and beyond the requirements, not to mention he's always a giver of at least 110% to his job, his shop, the Corps and his fellow Marines, so the thoughts of him "wondering" if he'll be selected has always blown me away! I suppose considering he's a very humble man in nature, this shouldnt surprise me, but as always I am surprised at his feelings of uncertainty when it comes to things of this nature.

Tiffiany and Tara start their new dance lessons tomorrow. They will be learning "Scottish
Highland Dance" and are super excited as are Jim and I. We've always loved that type of dancing, of course I love the Highland dance, and Jim loves the Irish Step dancing (can you tell from what nationality we each come from?) so the celtic culture has always facinated us and the girls are just beside themselves they will actually be a part of a "Celtic School of the Arts" here in town. They are looking forward to working hard so they can compete in the Highland Games in Boone NC this summer! Their Granddaddy (my Father) would be so proud!

So, as you can see we're still around and still a crazy clan as always. Never a dull moment in a family of 9, but even with the loudness, the hecktic schedules and all that comes with raising 7 children. I wouldnt have it any other way, because without them my life would completely meaningless!
Just wanted to let you know I am so excited to be finding other LARGE Marine Corps Families! I hope you post often. Not many understand the incredible joys and limits we experience with so many in our homes and under the umbrella of the Marine Corps. IT's a crazy wonderful life and it's good to have 'sisters' out there who know. Wish you were closer, you might actually be able to get a good family portrait of us!
Oh thanks so much Kelli! Yes it is nice to find other large Marine Corps families! We're few and far between most definitely! Thanks so much for your comment! I too wish I lived closer, I would love to do a shoot with another large family, I think we make great subjects :)
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