Being a Mom of 7 my world gets a bit crazy at times. Here you'll find out what's going on in my life and just my thoughts and feelings on life in general.
Posted by Jimbosbaby at 10:55 AM 1 comments
Labels: boys, children, christmas, family, girls, photography, pictures, sibilings
It's been football season for what a couple of months now and every Sunday our afternoons are filled with Jim and Tyler sitting on the edges of their seats inbetween the jumps, screams, high fives among other types of expressions to relay their joys or woahs concerning the current game and how the Panthers are playing it.
This evening is no different. As I write this I see both my husband and son jumping up and down screaming "yes" or "you've got to be kidding me" chants depending upon the play at hand. Right at this moment I just witnessed the clapping of hands and the screams of YES as Jake Delhomme (not sure of that spelling) made an unusual run for the touchdown and actually made it.
As I watch this activity in my house I often wonder how these guys literally let the outcome of a football game affect the rest of their day. If the Panthers loose the rest of the day is full of irritated men in this house, if they win then everything is hunky dori around here. It's actually kinda funny and I often know what the rest of my day will include depending upon the game results. Either I will be ducking fire or getting all I've ever wanted because of the cloud nine type good moods floating around the house.
So, for the next couple of months I suppose my house will be filled with the wild and crazy mood swings that only football season can bring about. Sigh...men...they are truly a breed I will never understand, I'm so glad I stopped trying years ago!
Why oh why is it so hard to keep clothes on a boy? Not only do I have one 4 yr old boy who refuses to wear clothes, I have TWO!
It doesnt matter how cold it is, doesnt matter if we have visitors or not, they feel the need to strip their clothing and run through the house free as a bird! What is this about? I'm honestly at my wits end, especially when it's 25 degrees outside and our house is a bit drafty! I mean come on now, this is getting a little rediculous!
I think what really cracks me up about the whole thing is the crazy wardrobe combinations...no shirt, underwear and socks on hands. Or, underwear and gloves on feet. I must say though, this picture truly represents my all time favorite combo of them all, and look at least he has a shirt on...sort of!
Posted by Jimbosbaby at 10:38 AM 1 comments
We've all heard that saying right "patience is a vertue" and while that is true it's not a "vertue" I was blessed with! Which, in itself is kinda amazing since I do have 7 children and being a patient person should be a prerequisite in mothering. Now, dont get me wrong I'm not one of those Mom's who's constantly screaming at their kids because I'm impatient over things, no not at all. I do however find myself wishing things would move much faster than they do!
Perfect example...my oldest DD wants maternity pictures done. She's seen some maternity images done of her friends and is always so disappointed in how they turned out. Funny how living with a portrait photographer can rub off on others. She notices lighting and composition, the angles in which the images were shot and how things that should be in focus arent and always says to me "Mom, you could've shot that so much better" or "what was that person thinking" which always makes me feel good she has that much confidence in my work and ability, but also sad that her friends have mediocre maternity photos to document such a special part of being a woman.
Anyway, getting back to my point! So, she wants pictures done, and while she's really starting to show it's really not the right time to shoot these images. I told her we need to wait until she's at least around 32 weeks so the "belly" is really emphasized. She of course agreed and understands, but I however knowing this is the proper thing to do for maternity images am sitting on pins and needles to do this shoot! I keep talking to my Grandson saying "you need to grow for Nana so we can do pictures" which in itself sounds stupid I know, but I cant help it. I want her to have beautiful images to remember carrying him, to look back on in rememberance of the love she held for him before he was ever born. Those are the images I think that maternity shots are all about, and that of course is what I want to give her. I have all these ideas in my head swiming around with no where to go for the moment and it's driving me batty at times.
So with my impatience and artistic vision working hand in hand we decided to give it a shot (love the pun) and shoot a couple of images from the side, just to see my ideas in front of me, not just in my head (we all know things are most wonderful in ones mind, but tend to look completely different in reality) and shooting a bit also calms the "impatient" creative side of me as well.
The images turned out well and have calmed me down as I now know what will work and what wont. I still have all these ideas and visions on what the future images will look like, and will of course still continue to think of more things, but for now I'm happy with what we've gotten so far. Only about 7 more weeks until we can do the full blown shoot, so it's really not that far off and I really am looking forward to doing it. Hopefully others will love the images as much as I will love making them, then again as we all know in the photography world, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What one may consider "beautiful" another may not. Oh well, it's the way of the world and one we must all accept!
I suppose after I shoot the maternity session for her my next work up needs to be newborn images! I have some really great ideas for that session too...see...the wheels in my mind never stop turning!
Posted by Jimbosbaby at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: beautiful, black and white, family, fine art, life, lighting, maternity, patience, photography, pregnancy, woman